Tuesday 23 March 2021
Flu Vaccine
We will be offering free FLU VACCINES Vouchers for all staff using Chemist Warehouse Corporate Program.
Bookings will be conducted by a voucher number system. Please contact Debbie White (Thurgoona staff) reception@mercyconnect.org.au or Rebecca Jones (Central West staff) rebecca.jones@mercyconnect.org.au for your voucher. Once you have a voucher you can book your appointment online or go into the store. 1st come first serve!
This is for staff only. You must have proof of ID and tell them you are from Mercy Connect.
You can make an appointment or book online.
Appointment Booking online:
- Type in your postcode to bring up a list of your nearest participating stores – Olive Street.
- Select the date and time you would like to book in to.
- Enter in your contact details (email, phone number, name, DOB, Medicare, address, etc.).
- Select “Got a voucher code? Add it here”. Type in your code, click Apply and then CONFIRM BOOKING.
483 Olive Street, Albury NSW 02 6022 4088 – (this is the only applicable store in our area)
158-160 Summer St, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 2960
COVID Vaccine
Mercy Connect have been advised that we are to be included in the 1B roll out of the COVID vaccine.
Residents who live in group homes of two or more participants will be included in the 1B roll out, which enables participants to be vaccinated at home or in the pop up clinic. Participants must have consent from their medical guardians prior to any vaccination being given. Team Leaders are currently working with the relevant guardians to obtain this consent. The roll out for the vaccines is to commence from 22 March, however a clear date for Mercy Connect residents has not been given.
Mercy Connect staff are eligible for the vaccination. A letter from Mercy Connect stating that you work in the disability sector will be provided. To request a letter please email Rosie Busuttil rosie.busuttil@mercyconnect.org.au
Staff will be provided, as soon as the relevant information is received, an update and process for receiving the vaccine. Staff are encourage to visit Australian Department of Health for further information on the vaccine.
Together we grow.
Jessie Arney
Executive Leader People & Culture